In These Times...
In These Times...
January 3, 2022
Hello Everyone,
Months and years are passing by as we continue to respond to Covid-19. Such a tiny thing has radically altered our lives. What I've seen in patients, family and friends is a lot of constraint, frustration and anxiety. Have you been feeling those things too? Know that you are not alone.
I am seeing patients for acupuncture, carefully and within specific guidelines. I also continue to offer consultations via Zoom and phone. For those seeking herbal treatments or a conversation and a different perspective on life events and health a Zoom or phone conversation may be ideal. I am happy to use all of the tools I've gained over the years to provide treatments, guidance and a viewpoint that originates in ancient Chinese medicine but is also informed by science and my own observations of nature. Acupuncture appointments are 1 -1.5 hours. Herbal and life consultations can be scheduled for varying amounts of time but generally an hour for the first appointment is ideal.
As of January 1, 2022 my fee for an initial Acupuncture or Herbal consultation appointment is $110. Subsequent appointment fees are on a sliding scale of $80-$120 except for brief Herbal consultations which are billed according to time.
The most important thing any of us can do right now is to slow down and take deep breaths. Find peace and calm where you can. Listen to your body.
Eat well, drink plenty of good clean water, get plenty of sleep, love deeply.
To contact me to schedule or change an appointment;
by phone: (978)544-0060
by text: (413)387-8137
by email:
Pandemic survival tips;
1. Stay home when you can.
2. Get plenty of rest.
3. Get some fresh air but stay warm! Avoid getting chilled and keep your neck covered. If cold air makes you cough, go inside where it is warm.
4. Hydrate! Room temperature or warm beverages are best.
5. Take vitamins; Vitamin C 1000-3000mg, Vitamin D 2000-5000 , Zinc 20-30 mg, Magnesium 400, Selenium 10mg.
6. Avoid or limit your intake of sugar and alcohol and avoid inhaling smoke when you can.
7. Remember to breath. If you are feeling anxious you can calm your nervous system by inhaling for 6 seconds then exhaling for 6 seconds. This will slow down your body and lower your blood pressure. I also have CBD Calming products available.
8. Wash your hands! Don’t touch your face. Wear a mask when around others.
9. Take Traditional Chinese herbal medicine as prescribed.
10. Gentle movement will be helpful. Try Gentle Yoga, stretching or Qi Gong. Here’s a link to a Qi Gong video to strengthen the lungs;
11.Reach out for support to friends, family, neighbors and healthcare providers. This is not the time to isolate yourself emotionally or to be tough. Remember that you are not alone. We will get through this together.
Health and Healing to All,
What is acupuncture?
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient system of treating illness by rebalancing the body energetically. Theoretically based on the observance of nature, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine view the body as a microsystem mirroring the larger macro systems of the earth. These systems operate at their best when there is balance and harmony.
We do our best to find balance in our daily lives. Sometimes we feel “out of synch”, aware that something isn’t quite right in our lives and our bodies. That’s because our bodies are sending us messages. We call them symptoms. Like the "check engine" light in our cars, symptoms alert us to pay attention so that we can avoid bigger problems later on and so that we can find the underlying problem and correct it. Ignoring our body’s messages or attempting to simply “make them go away” is a bit like putting tape over the “check engine” light in our car. Our body (or our car) will increase the urgency of the symptoms in an attempt to get our attention. Continue to ignore it and eventually the consequences can be catastrophic.
For 3000 years acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have been used to prevent disease, treat illness and relieve pain. Acupuncture needles and Chinese herbs are the primary tools I use to help a patient return to balance. Some people say that an acupuncture treatment reminds your body what it feels like to be healthy. Most people experience treatments as simultaneously energizing and calming.

How is Chinese herbal medicine used?
How is Chinese herbal medicine used?
Chinese herbal medicine can be used with acupuncture or as a stand alone therapy. Herbal formulas are comprised of 3 to 25 herbal ingredients. The herbs in a formula are chosen based on their energetic principles and their ability to work synergistically to treat your root disharmony or pattern(s) of imbalance. In many cases I will write a specific formula tailored to the needs of the individual patient and then assemble it in my dispensary. The herbs stocked in my dispensary come from companies that routinely test for contaminates and heavy metals. Each ingredient is used in a small dose. Chinese herbal medicine helps to shift imbalances a little bit at a time with a keen awareness that human beings are more able to sustain change if it comes at a pace that their bodies can assimilate. A nurse who worked as a medic in the Vietnam War once told me “the body will do almost anything if you ask it nicely”, and that's exactly what we try to do.
What our customers are saying
What our customers are saying
If you had asked me a year ago I would have told you I have no desire to try acupuncture. I was very skeptical. Finally I gave it a try. Now, my knee pain is gone, my mood is better, my stress level is down and I sleep right through the night! It's awesome!
Terry B. - patient
To Learn More or Schedule and Appointment Please Call:
To Learn More or Schedule and Appointment Please Call:
Don't wait to feel better!
Don't wait to feel better!
Call us now.
(413) 387-8137